
Hey there :D This is 2DL's BLOG! hahaha

CIP Journey Photos
Victoria (:
The Letter by Stephen Fry
Biggest Belly Boutique

New quote of the day: "There's one thing certain in ur life: Death and taxes." By a history teacher. XD

Hi, the new 2DL. I've found the videoes Mr Ahmad showed us. "The Letter" and "Not the nine o'clock news". I've already linked "The Letter" but not the other one because there are many different clips for it. You can enjoy the full video now! =D


Hey there! :D This is the new 2DL 2010 blog!! I decided to keep the 1DL 2009 blog for fun :P hahaha. Okay....so u all cn go to 1DL blog too if u hav time :D dun ask me why. well...i searched VERY LONG for tis blogskin ok...so hope u all lyk it :D BYEBYE!
-victoria (: